Study In Canada

Facts About Canada

  1. Quality Institutions: Canada is home to several high-quality universities and colleges, including the University of Toronto, McGill University, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Alberta. Many of these institutions are ranked among the top in the world.
  2. Diverse Programs: Canadian universities offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs, catering to various academic interests and career goals.
  3. Multilingual Environment: Canada is a bilingual country, with English and French as its official languages. This linguistic diversity is reflected in educational institutions, and many universities offer programs in both languages.
  4. Research Opportunities: Canadian universities are known for their research contributions in various fields, including science, technology, engineering, and social sciences. Many institutions have extensive research facilities and collaborations.
  5. Global Student Population: Canada attracts a significant number of international students from all over the world, contributing to a diverse and multicultural educational environment.
  6. Affordable Tuition: While tuition fees for international students can vary, Canada often offers more affordable education compared to countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. There are also scholarship opportunities available.
  7. Post-Graduate Work Permits: Canada offers post-graduate work permits (PGWPs) that allow international students to work in Canada for up to three years after completing their studies, providing valuable work experience.
  8. Safe and Inclusive Environment: Canada is known for its safe and inclusive society, making it a welcoming destination for international students.
  9. Quality of Life: Canadian cities consistently rank high in terms of quality of life. This includes factors such as healthcare, safety, and a high standard of living.
  10. Provincial Education Systems: Canada’s education system is divided by provinces and territories, each responsible for its own education policies. This leads to some variations in curricula and regulations across the country.
  11. Language Proficiency: International students are often required to demonstrate proficiency in English or French through standardized tests like IELTS or TOEFL for English and TEF for French.
  12. Two Official Languages: Canada’s bilingual status means that English and French language programs are widely available, offering students the opportunity to study in their preferred language.
  13. Cooperative Education: Many Canadian universities offer co-op programs, allowing students to gain practical work experience as part of their degree.
  14. Strong Global Reputation: Canadian degrees are recognized and respected worldwide, and graduates of Canadian institutions often find opportunities for employment and further study internationally.

Benefits of Studying in Canada

Canadian education is known for its high quality and academic excellence. Canadian Universities are consistently ranked among the world top universities. Tuition fees and living cost are one of the lowest among the English speaking countries. Canada’s world class institutions provide skill based teaching and their focus on industry specific applied research. Most of the graduates from Canadian institutes are employed within the first six months of course completion. Canada is one of the best places to live and study. It has lowest crime rate in the developed world and offers safest environment to international students. Canada is known for its ground breaking innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology. Canada has one of the friendliest immigration policies for international students to plan their settlement in Canada.

Canada is a country with great living standard and many opportunities in all fields of studies. So pack your bags, Canada won’t disappoint.

Living & Working in Canada

Culture: Canada is a very diverse country with people from different culture and background, which results in very rich and vibrant cultural scene. Its culture is influenced by European, Asian, and by its native people.

Facilities: Canada is a safe and friendly country with highest of living standards. Like many other developed countries, it does not discriminate between local and international students and offers almost same benefits to all. Canada focused on physical and health security of all its students. Health care in Canada is very advanced and health insurance is not very expensive compare to other developed countries.

Transport: Travelling in Canada is very convenient. All the cities in Australia have very advanced public transport system including Buses, Trains, Trams, Ferry, and Taxis. Great highways in Canada make it a great place to drive. Indian students are allowed to drive for up to a year on their Indian driving licence.

Working as a Student: All the international students are allowed to explore working opportunities in Canada as they are allowed to work for 20 hours weekly or 40 hours fortnightly, during their session. All the students are allowed to work 40 hours a week in their vacations. Most students work part time and they usually work with the retail stores, petrol pumps, restaurants, and delivery person etc.

Universities, Courses & Intakes

Canada has a very unique education system because of its focus on skill development and research. All Colleges and Universities in Canada offer variety of courses across the fields. Canadian education system favours cross-disciplinary education and emphasizes in transferable skills. Diploma and certificate programs from Canadian Colleges are recognised everywhere in the world.

Canada is seeing a technology wave in Information Technology, Telecommunication, Biotech and Aeronautics. Canada is also hub for finance and related activities. Some of the most popular field of study in Canada are;

  • Information Technology
  • Telecommunication
  • Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Bio Technology
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Heath Care

Intakes: Canada has 3 intakes in a year

IntakeDeadline for applicationDeadline for visa
Fall/September31st March31st July
Winter/January31st August30th November
Summer/May31st January30th April

Expenses in Canada

The study permit is a document we issue that allows foreign nationals to study at designated learning institutions (DLI) in Canada. Most foreign nationals need a study permit to study in Canada. Make sure you have all the documents you need before you apply. You should apply before you travel to Canada.

Your study permit is not a visa. It doesn’t let you enter Canada. You may also need a visitor visa or an electronic travel authorization (eTA). If Canadian Authority approves your study permit, they will issue one to you with your study permit.

Study Visa in Canada

Student Visa: Canadian student visa is issued by CIC (Citizenship & Immigration Canada) and valid for entire course duration plus extra 90 days. Students can apply for their student visa under 3 categories

  • Student Direct Scheme (SDS) Category
  • Non SDS Category
  • University category

Work Visa: All international students get the opportunity to gain work experience in Canada after their studies under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP). Depending on the duration of the course students may get up to 3 years of work visa in Canada.

Post study work visas are open work visa and can further be extended with the support of an employer.

Career and Employment Opportunities

Canada job market has been strong over recent years, driven by solid economic growth. The majority of jobs will be in highly skilled occupations, and it’s expected most will have to be filled by people coming to Canada from overseas. Canada is a perfect place for ambitious graduates to jump-start their career.

Canada offers lot of job opportunities in various exciting fields. This has led to many immigrants choosing to work in Canada with the promise of fair salaries and excellent quality of life. Canada is a perfect place for ambitious graduates to jump-start their career.

Main Industries in Canada: Mining, Agriculture, Energy, Technology, Services, Manufacturing, Fishing, Natural Resources.

Emerging Industries in Canada: Financial Technology, Automobile, E-Commerce, Production, Super Markets, HealthCare, Pharma, Mining, Agriculture.

Areas of Skill Shortage in Canada

There are plenty of jobs and skills, which are listed in the current skills shortage list for Canada. Some of the relevant skills shortage areas for students are

  • Business Services – Business & Data Analysts, market researchers, HR professionals, Digital Marketers, Financial Managers, Business Services
  • Construction – Architects, surveyors, site managers and planners
  • Education – Elementary school and kindergarten teachers, Educational counsellors, Post-secondary teaching and research assistants, and university level faculty
  • Engineering – Almost all types of engineers like electrical, Electronics, Telecommunication, Environmental, Structural, mechanical, Industrial, chemical engineers, biotech engineers, civil engineers, Power Engineers and product and process engineers.
  • Healthcare professionals – Medical sonographers, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Dietitians and Nutritionists, Medical Technicians, Pharmacists and Pediatricians, Medical Laboratory Technologists
  • Hospitality – Chefs, Tour Operators, Event Managers
  • IT – Information System Analyst, Database Analysts, Computer Programmers, Cyber Security Analysts, SEO Marketers, Software Developers, Data Analysts, UI UX Developers and Systems Engineers.